Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Thai For The Road!!!

I have to open with an apology to my followers for slcking on the blog updates. Man its been rough lately, I've been just hitting commerical spots lately and kinda got off base on visiting those local hidden eateries. I promise from here on out to keep the train on track. Two weeks ago I was introduced to a Thai food spot here in Riverside, up the street from the 76 Station I frequent to get the whips oiled and lubed. I have driven past this place a few times and never even looked on that side of the street. So for a Pre-Father's Day treat my family took me there for dinner two Saturday evenings ago.

Bann Thai (Thai House), is a local Thai resturant on Brockton Ave a block and a half off the Central/Magnolia intersection. From the street it looks like someones house, but when you walk in you're greeted by the staff and it has a real Asian appeal, bamboo curtains, hard wood floors. I almost took my shoes off, but I forgot I was wearing flip flops so no need to go there. We were seated and drinks were brought to us. Looking over the menu it pretty much had the same dishes to offer as River Kwai - Moreno Valley, CA & The Thai House - Redlands, CA, prices were comparable as well. To true appreciate Thai food you have to understand the uniqueness of the 5 flavors intriduced to your palette: salty, sweet, sour (tangy), bitter and hot (spicy). In many dishes all 5 flavors can be combined. If you cant handle foods with "flavor" then Thai food isnt for you.

Some people like to dive right into the Thai experience, but for me I like to warm up the palette first, dont shock it. Like some people like to throw cold meat to a hot grill...thats a no no..but I will do a blog on that later. We started off our dining experience with the Appetizers Combo, (3) Egg rolls, (3) Shrimp rolls (4) Fried tofu and (4) Fried Wontons served with sweet & sour sauce. I was cool with everything but the Fried Tofu..WTF, Even when I drowned those things in S & S Sauce adn Soy Sauce it still tasted like fried paper. Now I can added Fried Tofu to my list of "things I dont have to ever try again" we enjoyed the rest of the Appetizers Combo. The Egg rolls and shrimp rolls were hot & fresh, Fried Wontons are what they are...crispy and love lost there.

Since I've been dubbed "Black-inese" by my family and friends, no Asian (Thai) experience can commence until you have a Hot Pot Soup. My soup of choice this evening was the Tom Yum Noodle, this spicy rice noodle soup with lime, ground chicken, fish ball, bean sprouts, green onions, ground peanuts and a Fried Wonton. Another Hot Soup dish thats outta this world is the Tom Yum Goong Soup aka Hot & Sour Thai Soup Aside from being one of the most popular soup in Thailand, Tom Yum Soup has many health benefits, due its potent combination of herbs and spices. In fact, this Thai soup is currently under scientific study, as it appears to have immune-boosting power as a natural remedy for cold and flu viruses. Bann Thai makes it with coconut milk which adds another level of flavor. (My camera batteries died so this is a borrowed image..but I just wanted you to have a visual of what it will look like.)

Moving on to the Main Events...drumroll please...Chicken Garlic & Pepper. This dish comes served as a stir fried pepper, garlic, cilantro and onions on a bed of cabbage. You can actually choose shrimp ($2 more), chicken, beef or pork. Next dish Spicy Coconut Curry Chicken An Aromatci chicken cooked in chu chi chili paste in coconut milk. It was as spicy as it smelled and looked, however it wasnt overbearing.

Just a few other treats we dined on included the Chicken Sweet Basil Eggplants, Pad Thai & Orange Chicken...

yes what can I say we feasted!!! And hopefully you too will enjoy Bann Thai..until we meet on the Thai Road to Spicy Town...Holla


  1. You MUST go to Lemongrass Asian Cuisine in Hemet for Thai food. The Thom Yum Soup is AMAZING and the Pad Thai is to die for. Spicy of course. Breezy from insurance. ;) nice blog!!!

  2. Thanks Brizzle..I will note that and thanks for your response...:)
